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ESE Prelims 2023: Best Strategy to Attempt ESE Prelims 2023 Test Series

ESE Prelims 2023 

UPSC has released its ESE 2023 Notification on the 14th September, 2022. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the ESE examination to recruit candidates for the services that support the technical requirements of the Government of India. The exam is conducted for the four main engineering disciplines/streams which include Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronics Telecommunications. There are several departments like MES, CWC, Railways, CPWD, Ordnance Factory Board, etc. who fulfill their vacancies through the UPSC ESE/IES 2023 examination.

UPSC ESE 2023 Prelims Exam Date

Date of Notification & Upload


Last Date for Receipt of Applications

04/10/2022 – 6:00pm

ESE 2023 Prelims Exam Date

19/02/2023 (Sunday)

Duration of Examination

1 day

Preliminary / Stage I Examination

Objective Type

Exam Mode

Offline Mode

Frequency of Examination


Conducted By


UPSC ESE 2023 Exam Pattern

Given below is the comprehensive exam pattern in order to become familiar with the UPSC ESE 2023 exam. Given below are the three stages the examination will be conducted in. 


Name of Stage

Type of Paper

Stage I

Preliminary –  For the selection of candidates for the Stage-II

Objective Type Papers

Stage II


Conventional Type Papers

Stage III

Personality Test


UPSC ESE 2023 Prelims Exam Pattern


Subject Name

Maximum Marks

Time Duration

Paper I

General Studies and Engineering Aptitude Paper


2 hrs

Paper II

Engineering Discipline – Specific Paper


3 hrs




5 hrs

Note: Engineering Discipline includes 4 categories i.e., Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.


UPSC ESE 2023 Mains Exam Pattern


Subject Name

Maximum Marks

Time Duration

Paper I

Engineering Discipline – Specific Paper – I


3 hrs

Paper II

Engineering Discipline – Specific Paper – II


3 hrs




6 hrs

Note: Conventional papers must be answered in the English language because the question paper will be set in English only.


Now, let us find out things to do and mistakes to avoid to score a top rank in the ESE 2023 exam.

1. Turn your focus on GS paper as well

2. Don’t go on and compare yourself with other competitors 

3. Do not leave any relevant topic

4. Get smart with topics

5. Revise extensively 

6.Take Mock tests

7. Practice previous years questions

8. Trust the process 

Tips to prepare for the ESE exams. 

  • Candidates must treat tests as final exams, so that you can have a psychological ambience that everyone gets on the day of exam.

  • If you are planning to take an online exam, book a time slot for online tests. This will provide you with flexibility in the schedule. Create a plan and be ready with time slots to attempt each exam in a given time frame. Choose the time slot per day or per week depending on your other engagements.

  • Carefully read out the instructions and understand the requirements. 

  • Before starting your attempt go through the complete question paper twice. Look for the questions which are similar to the ones that you solved during your practice, if you find any, prioritize the same and solve it first.

  • Always start with questions that need no calculation. This will help you to conserve your mental energy and also to cope up with the nervousness which students face when they see the question paper for the first time.

  • Keep in mind not to try and solve each and every question. Give preference to those questions which are asked from the topics in which you are good at. 

  • Identify your mistakes and work on them religiously.

  • Track your attempt ratio and accuracy ratio.

  • Get your doubts cleared on time. 

  • Look into concepts and revise them rigorously beforehand. 

  • Take proper rest and have a balanced diet. Keep yourself calm. 

  • If possible, study in groups and teach the concepts to your study mates for better retention. 

  • Divide the appropriate time slot for each subject, keeping the difficulty level of the subjects in mind. 

Benefits of the Test Series 

  • Provide Good Practice

  • Feel of Real Examination 

  • Assessing Learning Capability 

  • Improve Speed 

  • Boost Confidence 

  • Better Time Management 

UPSC ESE 2023 Syllabus

The candidates must thoroughly read and examine the UPSC ESE 2023 Syllabus. This will help the candidate to allocate required time for each section. The syllabus will give you precise guidance for developing an efficient study schedule. 

Engineering Discipline

Paper I

Paper II

Civil Engineering

Building Materials

Solid Mechanics

Structural Analysis

Design of Steel Structures

Design of Concrete and Masonry structures

Construction Practice, Planning and Management

Flow of Fluids, Hydraulic Machines and Hydro Power

Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Geo-technical Engineering and Foundation Engineering

Surveying and Geology

Transportation Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Fluid Mechanics

Thermodynamics and Heat transfer

IC Engines, Refrigeration and Air conditioning

Turbo Machinery

Power Plant Engineering

Renewable Sources of Energy

Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Materials

Mechanisms and Machines

Design of Machine Elements

Manufacturing ,Industrial and Maintenance Engineering

Mechatronics and Robotics

Electrical Engineering

Engineering Mathematics

Electrical Materials

Electric Circuits and Fields

Electrical and Electronic Measurements

Computer Fundamentals

Basic Electronics Engineering

Analog and Digital Electronics

Systems and Signal Processing

Control Systems

Electrical Machines

Power Systems

Power Electronics and Drives

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Basic Electronics Engineering

Basic Electrical Engineering

Materials Science

Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation

Network Theory

Analog and Digital Circuits

Analog and Digital Communication Systems

Control Systems

Computer Organisation and Architecture

Electro Magnetics

Advanced Electronics Topics

Advanced Communication Topics

All you need to do is believe in yourself and visualize your name shining in the merit list of ESE exams. You can crack any competitive exam if you believe in yourself. Fear is the only factor that will come as a hurdle in your way if you have done your preparations. So never give up on yourself.

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